Following recent consultations with departments and agencies, I am pleased to inform you that the National Procurement Commission has released a RFI (Request for Information) to gather essential information on available Electronic Government Procurement (e-GP) to support NPC to develop a modern public procurement ecosystem for Papua New Guinea.

The RFI seeks to identify capable vendors, systems and approaches to support the government’s goal of modernising its sourcing, contract and supplier management processes. An e-GP system is required to automate and speed up the procurement lifecycle, enhance transparency and promote greater accountability in public spending. The system should be configurable so that it is compliant with the requirements of PNG’s National Procurement Act 2018 (amended 2022) and Public Finances (Management) Act 1995, plus align with the relevant sections of the Digital Government Act 2022 and Electronic Transactions Act 2021.

The responses to this RFI will assist the NPC in understanding market offerings, capability and capacity. We accept that individual systems and solutions may not have the full range of capability to address all processes included in this RFI and is supportive of suppliers partnering to deliver wider functionality.

RFI responses will inform the development of a subsequent Request for Proposal (RFP) for an eProcurement System as stated in the Papua New Guinea Digital Government Plan 2023-27. NPC may choose to specify and procure some or all of the functionality outlined in the RFI for phased implementation, commencing with e-Tendering, supplier management and contract management capability. The first phase of the system is likely to be implemented in the first half of 2025.

I understand many PNG agencies are in the process of automating their business systems and processes and i would appreciate if you can share this notice through your network of potential vendors.

Links to the RFI document can be accessed on the button below, or scan the QR code for direct access to the online response form.

Submission Dateline is 11.59pm PNG time on 28th November, 2024.

Joe Sapa
Acting CEO NPC