It is my pleasure to present the National Procurement Commission’s revised 2020 – 2025 Corporate Plan.

This revised 5-Year Corporate Plan will guide the commission to facilitate selected reform agendas for the purpose of improving public procurement activities. We begin by reorganizing the structure including reviewing the manpower and the remuneration to be on par with other statutory bodies. A review of the National Procurement Commission Act, 2018 was also carried out to provide a clearer framework to guide users and stakeholders. These reviews are necessary for preparing NPC going forward, especially the implementation of the automated procurement system.

The e-procurement is aimed at enhancing effectiveness, transparency and integrity and will integrate the entire procurement cycle from tendering, solicitation, evaluation, and contracting to contract management. The automated procurement system will also improve turnaround time for public tenders and mitigate fiduciary and reputational risks relating to delays and undesired practices.

The Information and Communication Technology function has been elevated to a divisional status to provide technical support for the commission. So as the Internal Audit and Investigations functions, where additional positions have been created to strengthen the governance operations to deliver routine performance audits and conduct specific investigations.

NPC will pursue more cost-effective operations for the sub-national strategy. Twenty-one positions have been proposed to recruit provincial procurement officers to be stationed in each of the provinces to support and monitor the provincial and district procurement committees.

The journey ahead looks promising. I appeal for undivided cooperation and support from every single staff member to make NPC an enjoyable and peaceful environment to pursue a professional career. The revised 2020-2025 Corporate Plan will provide a benchmark to measure performance against the key performance indicators. NPC is looking forward to working together with the new Board to deliver public procurement services to the government and the implementing agencies.

I challenge the management and staff of the National Procurement Commission to use this document as a guide to plan and implement activities and programs under their responsibility.

Joe Sapa
Acting Chief Executive Officer