The National Executive Council recently appointed a new NPC Board. Consistent with the change to the head of the Commission, the decision provides an opportunity at both the Board’s and the Commission’s level to set new strategies, vision and priorities to improve public procurement services to support the three levels of government to deliver services to the people of Papua New Guinea.

I am privileged to be supported by six esteemed Board Members, each of whom brings to the boardroom unblemished credentials from their respective professions and standings in the society. On our behalf, I am pleased to acknowledge the review exercise into selected administrative aspects of the Commission, including the 5-Year Corporate Plan for 2020–2025.

Apart from the objectives, strategies and functions of NPC, the Corporate Plan presents a set of deliverables with defined timelines. The Board will use it to monitor and evaluate the performances of the Commission and propose guidance and suggestions for improvements if needed.

The Board looks forward to working closely with the portfolio minister and the National Procurement Commission including key stakeholders, especially in deliberating with public tenders and related agendas efficiently and expeditiously. The Board stands ready to support NPC to implement and realize key deliverables listed in the Corporate Plan.

My Board joined the Minister in wishing everyone involved in the implementation of the revised 2020-2025 Corporate Plan for NPC a successful outcome.

Samuel Penias
Board Chairman